Not too much to mention in the introduction. Here are the medicines to Bring When Travelling to South America. In this article, you will find general considerations about the most common diseases you expect in South America. This article is the fourth in a series of articles about the medicines you should take before traveling. I started in the first article with a list of medications to consider when going everywhere. Then, in the second and third articles, I discussed the medical issues in Africa and Asia, respectively. Now, a new piece, about medicines to Bring When Travelling to South America.
general considerations
Are you traveling to South America??? Yes? Indeed a great idea! With this thought, you are on the verge of exploring what nature offers. The continent opens gates for you to enjoy the adventurous trip. South America is the home of beeches and glaciers. From Iguazu Falls to the wildest type of forest, Amazon, it has much to offer, which makes you taste how urban life looks like. But one thing is always problematic – what medicines to bring when traveling to South America as no place on earth is free from microbes and may lead to devastating diseases. You are more likely to be caught by some sort of illnesses as you land there – headache, shoulders pain, body ache, fatigue, and so on. So, that’s better to foresee and reduce dangers.
Although South America is comprised of 12 different countries, they have, for sure, different climates, different stories, different demographics, and various issues as well. Your First Aid box and equipment largely depends, which country you aim to visit. Furthermore, there are the most common illnesses we’re going to highlight for you to take medicines kit along.
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You need to be wary about the current health problems, outbreaks, and common illnesses about the country, which you are going to travel. The more you know, the easier it would be to pack your mini emergency kit!
Coronavirus pandemic is a global warning. All visitors to any country in the world should take special precautions. Numbers of new cases are rising, particularly in Brazil, there are over 1 million confirmed COVID19 cases. Until now, there is a specific cure. However, acetaminophen is a must and can help to relieve symptoms. actually, acetaminophen is on the top list of the medicines to bring When Travelling to South America. Also, washing hands and keep healthy hygiene is a must.
If you have planned to travel countries like Brazil, Venezuela, and Colombia, that’s better to take medicine for dengue. In South America, in 2019, more than 1200 deaths were reported due to dengue. While in 2002, more than 700,000 cases of dengue were reported. Dengue starts with headaches, joints pain, and vomiting and could end up with death in some cases. Of course, mosquitoes are everywhere, but you can protect yourself by taking anti-mosquitoes stuff – Sprays, coils, creams, and lamps.
Unfortunately, yet no proper medication to treat dengue has been manufactured. In case if you fall ill with dengue, you must eat all the vegetables and fruits which promise to surge the level of platelets. For the relief of pain, you may take Acetaminophen.
Drug: Acetaminophen (Tylenol, Paracetamol)
Dose: For an adult, 325mg to 500mg tablets against the pain is enough
Precautions: can provide relief from pain, sore throat, common cold, and fever. It’s better to keep the medicine before moving to Asian countries. Contact your doctor for the recommended dose for children
This is the second most prevalent illness. If you are traveling to Central South America, then, unfortunately, there is no guaranteed management for sewage and clean water. More likely, and you catch Typhoid fever. South American, African, and Asian countries are at a higher risk of typhoid. A report has revealed that each year 21M cases of typhoid are reported majorly from these targeted continents and more than 200,000 deaths. So, adventurous and long-term travelers are specially prescribed to take adequate measures and always carry medicines with them.
Drug: Ciprofloxacin
Dose: 500mg tablets once/twice a day according to your Doctor advice
Precautions: Must be avoided in young adults under 18 years. It may cause severe muscle pain and should be prescribed only by your doctor
If your aiming destination is Peru, then be aware, it is at the highest risk of cholera among other South American countries. However, most cases were in 1991, which had led to 45% of deaths in Central South America – the highest fatality rate. Travelers must take care to eat fully-cooked food, avoid having stale food. Plus, throughout your destination, try to cook at home and avoid junk. In case, if you catch the fever, symptoms are watery diarrhea, vomiting, dry mouth, loss of water from the body, sweating, and low blood pressure.
Medicine: Tetracyclin, Ciprofloxacin, and Doxycyclin.
Drug: Doxycycline (Vibramycin, Oracea, Adoxa, Atridox, Doxy)
Dose: 100 mg once daily. Must be started 2 days before travel to a malaria-endemic area and continue as long as you are traveling and to be maintained for 1 month after leaving the malaria-endemic area
Precautions: Allergic reactions. Avoid sun exposure even if for a short time, as it may cause a skin rash or color change. For more information, always consult your doctor. Avoid in children under 8 years old (better to use Atovaquone-Proguanil)
As we mentioned in the other travel guides to Africa and Asia, Malaria is a significant risk in South America too. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has published the yellow book for Malaria prevention and treatment. The treatment is mainly doxycycline. However, malaria vaccination is mandatory before travel.

Other Common Illnesses
Since not all the body types are the same, some have stronger immunity while some have weaker, you should know your body type and pack your first aid box accordingly.
While these common illnesses may turn out problematic:
- Influenza
- Cold
- Body ache
- Cough
- Sore Throat
- Fatigue
- Mild Fever
- Uneasiness
- Eyes Burn
To cope with these conditions, you may also have Over-the-counter medicines with you!
Medical kit during traveling is more than a bag; it’s a “survival box,” which contains necessary medicines that save you from illnesses. No matter what your luggage provides, but it must have a first aid box. Journey to South America is full of amusement; it offers an adventurous life to taste and invite you to explore what nature has. On the other hand, it might be unsafe, as microbes are the part of life looking for your way to harm.
So, it turns crucial to know the country you are going to visit, about their weather, and common diseases to pack all the essential stuff along. Always consider these medicines to bring When Travelling to South America, never forget them on the visit, and enjoy your journey to its full!!!