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Before you embark on the trip to Asia, you must know what medications may benefit you to ward off sudden illnesses. To make it a healthy and enjoyable trip, first, you better fetch some information about the country you’re going to visit – climate, season, an outbreak in the country, and specialties of destinations. This scrolling would help you take all the essential stuff. This blog will help you with what medicines to bring when traveling to Asia!

This article is the third of the series of articles about medications you may need when traveling. Then, in the second article, we discussed the drugs required when traveling to Africa. And now, it’s time for medicines to bring when traveling to Asia. In today’s post, I will talk about the prevalent diseases and hazards you may encounter on visiting Asia. Then, I will suggest the proper medication.


Coronavirus or COVID19 is a global danger, and many countries in the world are suffering. Asian countries suffer the most. Until now, there no proven vaccine or medication. just stay at home; that’s all that I can say. I hope we can find a solution to the current situation, and all of us can resume traveling soon.

Minor Illnesses

Asia is the largest continent of all, encompasses 48 countries. However, the climate varies from moderate to warm and sometimes surges up to 50 ̊C during the hot June and July in here. So, if you are traveling from a Western country, sudden changes in the weather may welcome cough, headache, allergy, influenza, sore throat, body aches, and cold. Some over counter medicines such as acetaminophen (Tylenol and Paracetamol) can provide relief from pain and fever.

Drug: Acetaminophen (Tylenol, Paracetamol)
Dose: For an adult, 325mg to 500mg tablets against the pain is enough
Precautions: can provide relief from pain, sore throat, common cold, and fever. It’s better to keep the medicine before moving to Asian countries. Contact your doctor for the recommended dose for children


No guarantee, if the food and drink being served in the small and large hotels are healthy. Contaminated food is the biggest issue in Asia, which may end up with Typhoid fever. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises travelers to keep medicines with them, especially if travelers head towards smaller cities and rural areas.

Drug: Ciprofloxacin
Dose: 500mg tablets once/twice a day according to your Doctor advice
Precautions: Must be avoided in young adults under 18 years. It may cause severe muscle pain and should be prescribed only by your doctor


In Asian countries, you cannot help with mosquitoes. A single mosquito bite could also end up with malaria – a severe illness, and is the most common in the Asian countries like Pakistan, India, China, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Myanmar. Symptoms of malaria usually include body pain, high temperature, diarrhea, and vomiting.

The recommended drugs for Malaria are Doxycycline and Chloroquine, and for non-severe malaria, Artemether, and Lumefantrine. however, the best approach is to avoid mosquitos either by tenting or local creams.

CDC map of malaria-endemic areas
CDC map of malaria-endemic areas


Again due to mosquito! Some Asian countries, even well-developed ones, are profoundly affected. The Philippines is at the highest risk, and then there comes Maldives, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Malaysia, Australia, and Vietnam. In these countries, millions of dengue cases reported each year. Symptoms include body pain, headache, nausea, redness on the body, fatigue, and vomiting. So you have to be extra cautious about your trip. Don’t let a mosquito sit on you! There’s no particular medicine for dengue; you can take acetaminophen to relax the pain.

Severe Illnesses

Besides those mentioned above, you can also get affected by severe diseases. Diseases such as cholera, dysentery, and diarrhea like illnesses are due to improper hygiene in the hotel you stay or the food you take in there, also, by interaction with people around you. Regardless of the cause, you must have information about the common illnesses in the destination.

There are a plethora of options to get details – go online, check some informative articles on CDC, or you may get social on Facebook, Twitter, and others and ask some local citizens of the country before you arrive.

General Instruction

No matter how desperate you are for the trip but the most important is your health. Make a small medicine box/bag and fill it -if possible- with the following items:

  • Hand Sanitizers
  • Bandages
  • First Aid Equipment
  • Gloves
  • Insects Killing Cream and sprays
  • Eye Drops
  • Oral Rehydration Salt
  • Anti-bacterial ointments
  • Anti-fungal Ointments
  • Wound Cleaners
  • Latex Condom
  • Alcohol Wipes
  • Mask to Cover Mouth.
  • Cough Syrup and drops
  • Saline Nose Spray
  • Antihistamine
  • Constipation and Motion sickness medicines

Enjoy your trip, but don’t forget to take healthy food, fruits, boiled water, and exercise. So that’s all about the essential stuff and medicines to bring when traveling to Asia. Follow the prescription and Stay Safe!

Hello, My name is Yahya. I am 39 years old and soon will be 40. I was born and lived in the historic city of Cairo, Egypt. I Work as a doctor; cardiologist. Traveling is my passion. I am proud to be the owner and creator of Traveler78 website. If you like the material on my website, please subscribe to my website and share it with your friends. Also, you can follow me on your favorite social network. For further information, please contact me either in the comments or via E-mail.

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